Was in der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft noch vorgeht

Motion to empower the Goetheanum Leadership

Motion for the 2024 Annual General Meeting

Directly to signing Signatories to date Print (German) (PDF) Signature list (Germ.) (PDF) German

(Translated by Deepl.com)

The Goetheanum Leadership has become the most important governing body of the General Anthroposophical Society since it was given the overall responsibility of the Council for the Society.[1] Therefore, an appropriate anchoring in the constitution – the statutes – is necessary. By legitimising and clarifying responsibilities, the regulations proposed here would lead to a strengthening of the Goetheanum Leadership and at the same time to an appropriate and contemporary social structure. In addition, this would also correspond to the organisation that Rudolf Steiner proposed to the membership for approval at the Christmas Conference: the confirmation of the composition of the most important body of the Society and the agreement that it will give a full account every year.

We have deliberately refrained from proposing further amendments to the statutes at this time in order not to pre-empt the existing or planned organisational processes (members’ forums, constitutional initiative of the Social Science Section). This proposal is made out of the conviction that it is precisely now, 100 years after the Christmas Conference and 99 years after the end of Rudolf Steiner’s work on earth and the emergence of the constitutional confusion, that a concrete and binding first step towards contemporary and exemplary social structures should be taken.

(Note: The form in which the accountability is presented can initially be left open and should be developed in the following years with the involvement of the membership).

Decision formulation

The Annual General Meeting should therefore approve the following amendment to the Articles of Association and the associated regulations by secret ballot (amendments in blue):

6.  The ‘General Anthroposophical Society’ has as its organs:
a) the General Meeting,
b) the Vorstand (Executive Council)
c) the Goetheanum-Leitung (Goetheanum Leadership)
d) the auditing firm.

12a. Goetheanum-Leitung
Members of the Goetheanum Leadership are the members of the Executive Board and the Section Leaders of the School of Spiritual Science confirmed by the General Assembly. The term of office of a member of the Goetheanum Leadership is seven years. The detailed modalities of appointment and reappointment are laid down in regulations adopted by the General Assembly.
The members of the Goetheanum Leadership are responsible and accountable to the membership for their work in the Society.
The distribution of tasks within the Goetheanum Leadership and the management of the Society are to be regulated by the Leadership itself and laid down in Rules of Procedure. The current version of these Rules of Procedure must be made available to the membership and requires the approval of the General Assembly.

Regulations for the appointment and re-election of members of the Goetheanum Leadership:

After a detailed accountability report, a clear description of the specific tasks and plans for the next period and a corresponding discussion, the General Assembly can vote on the extension of the term of office. In the event of a new appointment, the proposed management member will first present themselves to the membership in detail in writing and orally.

These regulations were adopted by the 2024 Annual General Meeting.


The formulation of the regulations was guided by statements made by Peter Selg following the non-confirmation of Paul Mackay and Bodo von Plato in 2018 in “Die Würde der Gesellschaft”, AWW 5/18, p. 8:

Wegleitend für die Formulierung des Reglements waren Ausführungen von Peter Selg im Nachgang der Nichtbestätigung von Paul Mackay und Bodo von Plato im Jahr 2018 in «Die Würde der Gesellschaft», AWW 5/18, S. 8:

“If, in my opinion, such a vote of members is to be obtained and decided in the future, this should be done with a detailed report on the previous term of office and the work personally carried out during it, as well as with a clear description of what the specific tasks will be in the next period. The whole thing should be done without any publicity, but objectively and soberly, followed by a vote, without ‘pro’ and ‘con’ speeches. The members are capable of judgement, at least those who intensively follow the development of the Goetheanum and the work of the Board; there is no need to talk to people and try to convince them of this or that. Rather, one should ‘wait and see what the members themselves want’ (Ita Wegman) after they have been sufficiently informed. The Great Hall – as the past teaches us – is not an arena.”

[1] This is evident from the rules of procedure, which are largely unknown to the membership, and was confirmed in a presentation by Ueli Hurter on 11 Dec. 2023 in preparation for the “100 Years of Christmas Conference” event. (“The emergence of the Goetheanum Leadership body”)

Support for the motion and/or the process

If you would like to support this motion, please complete the following form. Your name will only be passed on to the Executive Board of the General Anthroposophical Society in connection with this application and will be published in the context of the application or used in communication with other supporters, unless you consent to publication on the Internet.

List of signatories (as at 28 February 2024)

(Total 132 Signatories)

Alejandra Chiappano – Ruiz de Montoya – Argentinien
Dr. Jo Lunay – Hilton – Australia
Petra Betschart – Claulfield Nortth VIC – Australien
Imel de Boeck – Haasrode – Belgien
Marie-Françoise Côte – Chaumont-Gistoux – Belgique
Slobodan Žalica – Mokro – Bosnia-Herzegovina
Marie Bucher – Büren zum Hof – CH
Robert Hänni – Helgisried – CH
Sylvia van Ledden – Vörstetten – D
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Beck – Goslar – Deutschland
Christian Brüggemann – Hamburg – Deutschland
Florian Bruning – Merzhausen – Deutschland
Inge Denzinger – Rickenbach – Deutschland
Sabine Eisenhauer – Germering – Deutschland
Christoph Ernst – Welzheim – Deutschland
Dietmar Ferger – Dachsberg – Deutschland
Ingrid Feustel – Wangen Allgäu – Deutschland
Peter Fischer-Wasels – Sörup – Deutschland
Anne Frey – Weimar – Deutschland
Gundula Gathmann – Langen – Deutschland
Paul Gerhard – Vaihingen/Enz – Deutschland
Dagmar Jessen – München – Deutschland
Dr. Hellmut Kalbe – Frankfurt – Deutschland
Dr.Dr. Dieter Kissel – Niefern-Öschelbronn – Deutschland
Katharina Knipping – Neustadt an der Weinstraße – Deutschland
Jürgen Knothe – Dietzenbach – Deutschland
Friedrich Loring – Elmshorn – Deutschland
Herr Günter Luft – Heidenheim – Deutschland
Angela Münich – Ladenburg – Deutschland
Michael Munk – Kassel – Deutschland
Renate Pflästerer – Seeheim – Deutschland
Oliver Reichelt – Kirchheim unter Teck – Deutschland
Ingrid Schleyer – Badenweiler – Deutschland
Ingrid Schleyer – Badenweiler – Deutschland
Robert Schmid – Hamburg – Deutschland
Wolfgang Schmitt-Schröder – Frankfurt – Deutschland
Angela Stolz – Lörrach – Deutschland
Uwe Streller – Darmstadt – Deutschland
Bärbel Thielemann – Visselhövede – Deutschland
Ute Thomas – Cottbus – Deutschland
Peter MIchael Wahlich – Stoetze – Deutschland
Ulrich Warntjen – Aurich – Deutschland
Verena Weduwen – Eime – Deutschland
Rainer Wuttig – Mannheim – Deutschland
Marijcke van Hasselt – Apeldoorn – Duitsland
Jan Penninckx – Karjalohja – Finnland
Benoît Dusollier – Agonges – France
Reinout Nauta – Saint-Arailles – Frankreich
Gabriele Freydank-Edelstein – King City – Kanada
Alphons Buijsers – Eijsden – Nederland
Maaike Hoorweg – Zeist – Nederland

(Only those signatories who consent to the publication of their name are listed here).

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