Was in der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft noch vorgeht

Survey on Co-Responsibility

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The requests for change within the General Anthroposophical Society expressed in the numerous motions for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2023 have led to the Members’ Forums, which have been taking place since May 2023. Proposed solutions are now being developed in various thematic groups that have formed on their own initiative – in some cases together with members of the Executive Board (see e.g. AWW 12/23, AWW 11/23, AWW 10/23). The aim is to present the first concrete, realisable proposals to the membership for a decision as early as the 2024 AGM.

Even though a total of around 80 – 100 members are currently involved locally and online, this is only a small part of the Society that is actively working on these issues.

  • On the one hand, the question arises as to whether the proposed solutions developed in the thematic groups are supported by a sufficiently large number of members.
  • On the other hand, one thematic group, for example, split up because it was not possible to reconcile the differing interests.

However, what do members who have not yet been actively involved think about these issues? The initiative for this survey arose from this question and some selected questions are presented here. Assuming a correspondingly broad participation, the answers could provide some orientation for those actively involved as to the extent to which work is going in the right direction or whether adjustments are sensible and necessary.

The members of the “Steering Group” of the Members’ Forums – and therefore also the Executive Board – were informed of the intention and content of this survey on 2 December 2023. This would have made a joint approach conceivable. It is now to be hoped that this survey can also be seen as a useful tool and supported by the leadership, for example by publicising the survey via the “Anthroposophy Worldwide” mailing list. In this way, as many members as possible could be reached and involved.

In any case, the results will provide a picture of public opinion. This survey is not a collection of signatures and only questions of a fundamental nature are being asked. The concrete future organisation of the Society can and should result from processes such as those that have already begun in the Members’ Forums and were initiated by the Social Science Section.

The idea for this survey arose in connection with the “Initiative for the Formation of a Members’ Body”, which was formed from the Members’ Forums and the “Initiative for Shared Responsibility”.

Broad participation from the membership in this survey is desirable and necessary. Participation in the design processes is also important, as truly forward-looking new designs will only be possible if they are supported by a sufficiently large number of members.

The results will be reported in “What is else going on in our Society” and probably in “Ein Nachrichtenblatt”, “Anthroposophy Worldwide” and on the website www.wtg-99.com/Umfrage.

Important note

At the end of the survey we ask you for some personal details. In particular, we would like to know in which country you live and whether you are or have been a member of the General Anthroposophical Society. Your email address is necessary to ensure that the information is from real people and is not spam. You will receive an email with a confirmation link after submitting your details. These (few) personal details will not be passed on.

The time required for the survey is approximately 30 minutes, depending on the intensity of dealing with the questions, the time required may be shorter or longer.

All analyses from this survey will only be reproduced in anonymised form.

Dornach, 8 January 2024, Thomas Heck and Eva Lohmann-Heck

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